
¿Qué es HACCP?
Sus siglas significan “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points”. Es un programa de seguridad en alimentos cuya meta principal es prevenir las enfermedades que pueden ser transmitidas a través de los alimentos. Se elaboran productos microbiológicamente seguros al analizar los materiales crudos, los problemas que pueden ocurrir durante el procesamiento y aquellos que ocurren porabusos del consumidor.

Los siete principios básicos

1. Análisis de peligros
2. Determinación de puntos críticos de control
3. Establecimiento de los límites críticos
4. Establecimiento de Procedimientos de Monitoreo
5. Establecimiento de Acciones Correctivas
6. Procedimientos de Verificación y Validación
7. Establecimiento de Registros

¿Por qué HACCP es importante?
Este sistemaes importante ya que hace énfasis en los peligros potenciales de la producción de alimentos. Al controlar los peligros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos la industria puede asegurar al consumidor que los productos que recibe son seguros.

¿Es HACCP un programa nuevo?
No. HACCP no es nuevo. Fue introducido en el 1971 por H.E. Bauman y científicos de la compañía Pillsbury. Su objetivo eraproducir alimentos seguros y de alta calidad para los astronautas del programa espacial de la NASA. El “National Advisory Committee For Microbiological Criteria For Food” (NACMCF), la “National Academy of Sciences” (NAS) y el “Codex Alimentarius” han endosado el programa como el mejor sistema de seguridad en alimentos en el ámbito internacional.

What is HACCP?
HACCP stands for Hazard AnalysisCritical Control Point. It is a system that can help keep food safe in your facility from receiving to serving.
Why is HACCP important?
HACCP is important because it helps prevent problems before they happen. If problems do occur,HACCP allows for immediate action to correct the problem.
A HACCP plan is a written document that tells employees exactly how to manage potentially hazardous foods and whatactions to take if a problem arises.
HACCP requires temperature documentation that serves as proof of correct temperatures if there is an investigation of a foodborne illness at your facility.
Does my facility need a HACCP plan?
County ordinance requires all high-risk food facilities to have a HACCP plan.
A facility is high-risk if it meets one or more of the following criteria:
-Cooling ofpotentially hazardous foods. (This not only includes leftovers that will be reheated, but also items such as meat sauces that are made in advance or foods that are hot only during preparation like potato salad.) Examples of some potentially hazardous foods include: beef, pork, lamb, poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, dairy products, cut melons, garlic and oil mixtures, tofu/soy-protein foods, cooked rice orbeans, baked or boiled potatoes, sprouts, etc.
-Preparation and holding hot or cold potentially hazardous foods for more than 12 hours before serving.
Examples are cooking and holding roast beef over night to serve the following day or preparing potato salad one day in advance.
-Handling of raw ingredients through multiple processes. For example, purchase of a whole chicken to be cut, breaded,fried, served, cooled, and reheated.
-Reheating of potentially hazardous foods that have been previously cooked and cooled.
-Catering of potentially hazardous meals
-Serving of at-risk individuals such as in nursing homes or hospitals
How do I get started on my HACCP plan?
First you can make a list of standard operating procedures (SOPs) to include with your plan. Many plans include SOPs for generalsanitation, personal hygiene, thawing, and receiving and storage of cold food.
Next you must follow the 7 basic steps of HACCP:
1. Perform a Hazard Analysis: Make a list of all potentially hazardous foods in your facility. A good place to start is with your menu, recipes, and/or ingredient lists. Determine where hazards can occur such as during preparation or cooking.
2. Determine Critical…